OXSIL search results

dna next to a surname below indicates it has been registered with the DNA linking service
and the researcher is keen to find bearers of the same surname to join a DNA project.

ons next to a user below means the user has registered a one-name study of a surname
with the Guild of One-Name Studies.

Surname Timeframe Place Researcher
THORN 1650-1930 Abingdon Louis Thorne
THORNE Any Any Jennifer Tinson
THORNE 1800 - 1900 possibly Dun's Tew or that area Prue Vincent
THORNE 1650-1930 Abingdon Louis Thorne
THORNE Any Oxford Susan Nicholls
THORNETT Any Any Graham Thornett
THORNHILL 1860-1935 Wantage Jade Burrell
THORNTON Any Any, Churchill, Headington, Dean Lyn Rumble
THORNTON Any Forest Hill, Wheatley Margaret P. Smith
THORNTON <1700 Blackthorn, Waterperry Jean Hodges
THORNWELL 18c Woodstock Chris Wake