OXSIL search results

dna next to a surname below indicates it has been registered with the DNA linking service
and the researcher is keen to find bearers of the same surname to join a DNA project.

ons next to a user below means the user has registered a one-name study of a surname
with the Guild of One-Name Studies.

Surname Timeframe Place Researcher
GILKES 1700-1900 Bloxham, Milcombe, Souldern, North Newington, Broughton Christine Hill
GILKES >1800 Any Christine Hill
GILKES Any Any David Smith
GILKES >1700 Swalcliffe Bryan Hall
GILKES 1700 - 1850 Any Jeremy Waters
GILKES Any Swalcliffe Norina Pauling
GILKES <1760 Swalcliffe Doreen Myerscough
GILKES Any Hornton Diane Melvin