OXSIL search results

dna next to a surname below indicates it has been registered with the DNA linking service
and the researcher is keen to find bearers of the same surname to join a DNA project.

ons next to a user below means the user has registered a one-name study of a surname
with the Guild of One-Name Studies.

Surname Timeframe Place Researcher
SIMMONDS Any Woodstock, Oxford Linda Wharton
SIMMONDS c1800 Cuddesdon Patricia Hoskins
SIMMONDS 1836 Kirtlington, Oxford Denise Cooper
SIMMONDS 1870 Iffley Candace Cozens
SIMMONDS Any Any Lauren Simmonds-Davies
SIMMONDS Any Kirtlington Christine Meta
SIMMONDS 18c Rotherfield Greys, Henley, Bix John Moore
SIMMONDS 18/19c Vale of White Horse David Painter
SIMMONDS Any Waterperry, Watlington Stephen Alun Catton
SIMMONDS 1840-1880 Stoke Row Carolyn Nimmo